About the author
All fortune telling and divination cards that are sold in this store are designed by WisdomByKK
WisdomByKK specialize in the use of ancient and vintage art, giving them a second breath and endowing them with unprecedented magical significance.
As a new direction, WisdomByKK is beginning to develop a modern fortune telling card design that is more focused on youth and modern style lovers.
All Tarot, Oracle, Lenormand and other divination cards are unique, self-published and available in limited edition.

Masterpieces of Art Oracle

NEW I-Ching Hexagram oracle

NEW - Gothic Lenormand cards

Learning Tarot for Beginners

Love Tarot deck

Surreal World tarot deck

Surreal Renaissance Tarot

Divine Magic Tarot

Barbie Dreamland Tarot Deck

Animal Spirit Tarot

Art Nouveau Tarot Deck

Reflection Tarot deck

Slavic Myths Tarot
Victorian Tarot Deck
Fairy Land Tarot Deck
Flower Fairies Tarot Deck

Wizard World Tarot Deck
Animated Movie Tarot Deck

Fairy Tales tarot deck

Christmas Tarot Deck

Halloween Tarot Deck

Valentine's Day Tarot Deck

Season Greeting tarot deck

Easter Tarot Deck
Pin Up Girls Tarot Deck

Sexual Magic tarot

Wild Spirit Tarot Deck

Dark Kingdom Tarot

Romantic Love Tarot Deck

Ancient Revival Tarot Deck

White Sense Tarot Deck

Epic Fantasy Tarot Deck

Galaxy Tarot Deck

Dance of Death Tarot deck

Anatomical Tarot Cards

April Fool's Day Tarot Deck

Claude Monet Tarot Deck

Renaissance Art Tarot Deck

Dreamland Tarot Deck

Grandparents Day Tarot deck

Royal Pets tarot deck

Starry Night Tarot Deck

Fool's Magic Tarot

Oracle of Divine Flowers

Barbie Oracle Cards

Romantic Love oracle

Divine Creations Oracle

Greek-Roman Mythology oracle

Money Oracle Cards

Celtic Oracle Cards

Oracle of Life Situations
Chakras Affirmation Cards

Goddess Power Oracle

Egyptian Oracle cards

Astrology and Zodiac oracle

Romantic Angel Oracle

Passion & Sensuality Oracle

Friendship Oracle

Flower Oracle cards
Life Wisdom Oracle

Dreamland Angel oracle

Guardian Angel Oracle

Numerology Oracle Cards

Spiritual Healing Oracle cards
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Love & Wedding Oracle Cards

Divine Universe Oracle cards

Gypsy Oracle Cards

Cosmic Timing Oracle cards

Sci-Fi Timing oracle

Retro Timing Oracle cards

I-Ching Divination cards

Book of Changes Oracle cards

Yin Yang Oracle

Bavarian Kipper cards

Miracle Lenormand Oracle

Romantic Love Kipper Cards

Twilight Kipper cards

Nordic Runes Cards

Golden Rune cards

Viking Rune Cards

Sky Blue Lenormand cards

Fairy Tales Lenormand cards

Christmas Lenormand cards

Halloween Lenormand deck

Regency Lenormand cards

La Vie Parisienne Lenormand

Signs of Fate Lenormand

Dark Gothic Lenormand

Munson Pin Up Poker cards

Alberto Vargas Poker cards

Hilda Pin Up Playing cards

Art Deco Lady Playing cards

Agent 007 Poker/Bridge cards

Fashion Playing cards

Pin Up Girls Sketch cards

Cocktail Party Poker cards

Wizard World playing cards

Cute Animals Tarot Deck

Symbolic Tarot Deck

Hearts Tarot deck

Nordic Animal Oracle

7 Chakra Balancing Candle
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